We Find the Body Difficult to Speak, Grizedale Arts, 2015
A joint exhibition with Patrick Farmer, We Find the Body Difficult to Speak was made in response to a series of residencies at Grizedale Forest throughout 2014 and 2015. The exhibition is made up of the realisation of a series of text scores wresulting in a number of sound, video and performance works – all realised in and around Grizedale Forest. Developed in the tradition of Fluxus scores, happenings, and events, We Find the Body Difficult to Speak questions the limits of musical composition and explores ideas around authorship and participation, as well as the boundaries of artistic disciplines.
The exhibition, residencies and related a publication were made possible through a partnership between Forestry Commission England and Sound and Music.
The exhibition, residencies and related a publication were made possible through a partnership between Forestry Commission England and Sound and Music.