A Reward is Given for the Best Inframammary Fold (2015)
A Reward is Given for the Best Inframamary Fold is part of a series of scores written in response to the work of Fernand Legér. Stemming from a piece for solo performance, A Reward is Given... reworks the oringial score for ensemble, further translating the compositional qualities of Legér’s paintings and taking account of the interaction of form. Different iterations of the score have been written for different ensembles. Version no.4 was realised by Angharad Davies (violin), Rhodri Davies (electric harp), Michael Duch (double bass), Lina Lapelyte (violin), John Lely (objects & electronics), John Tilbury (piano), and released by Another Timbre in 2016.
– Premiered at Constellation Chicago by a.pe.ri.od.ic Ensemble, Chicago, May 2015
– Performed by Dog Star Orchestra, Los Angeles, June 2015
– Realisation by Angharad Davies, Rhodri Davies, Michael Duch, Lina Lapelyte, John Lely, and John Tilbury released on ‘Goldsmiths’ by Another Timbre Records, 2015
– Performed at 'Three Generations of British Composers: Howard Skempton, Laurence Crane, Sarah Hughes' by the Southland Orchestra, Los Angeles, September 2015
– Performed by Dog Star Orchestra, Los Angeles, June 2015
– Realisation by Angharad Davies, Rhodri Davies, Michael Duch, Lina Lapelyte, John Lely, and John Tilbury released on ‘Goldsmiths’ by Another Timbre Records, 2015
– Performed at 'Three Generations of British Composers: Howard Skempton, Laurence Crane, Sarah Hughes' by the Southland Orchestra, Los Angeles, September 2015